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Conservation Commission Minutes 07/14/2008
Chichester Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting
July 14, 2008

Members present:  Jeff Andrews, Dawn Marshall, Gordon Jones and Secretary Jamie Pike.

Mr. Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:35pm.

MTS Environmental Closure
Richard Spieler of Casella Waste Services and Barry Keith of BH Keith Associates were present to speak on the closure of operations at MTS Environmental on Dover Road.  A step in this closure is a restoration of wetlands upon the property.  Approximately 30,000 sq/ft of wetland area received some level of sediment discharge from the site.  The operators have already removed all sources of sedimentation and installed temporary controls to further abate any additional sedimentation.  Mr. Spieler and Mr. Keith showed the Commission a preliminary restoration plan which will involve the removal of all sediment, a few feet deep in places, and re-vegetation of these areas.

Following the issuance of the Restoration Order by DES and the completion of all work, DES will issue an order of Final Compliance following a typical 2 season period with scheduled review to determine the effectiveness of the restoration.

Mr. Andrews commented that they should also speak to the Watershed Management Bureau of DES about a Water Quality Certifificate as part of this restoration as part of the process will include discharge into surface waters.

Review of Minutes and Correspondence
The minutes of June 9, 2008 were reviewed and being no changes, a motion was made to accept the minutes as written was made by Ms. Marshall and seconded by Mr. Jones.  Motion passes.  All correspondence and Board of Selectmen minutes were also reviewed.

Ferman Conservation Easement
Mr. Andrews stated that he met previously this day with the Fermans and Fire Chief Vien concerning the Conservation and Fire Pond Access Easement upon their property.  Both documents are ready for signature upon final drafting.  One issue that came up was the misplacement of the drafting pit and its accessibility by the Fire Department.  In order for the drafting pit to be accessible a 20ft wide by approximately 30ft long access road will have to be built.  This access will not only encroach upon the 50 ft wetland buffer, but will also encroach upon the Conservation Easement.  A light will also be installed to light this area for visibility and safety.

Mr. Andrews made a motion that the Conservation Commission support the construction of the access road to the current location of the dry hydrant on Boss Pond with the understanding that this will encroach upon the 50ft wetland buffer and the 6.9ac conservation easement.  Motion seconded by Mr. Jones.  Motion passes.

High-Value Wetlands Study
Mr. Andrews stated that all review comments have been addressed and the draft maps will be distributed to the Commission via e-mail for final comment.  The Commission received a letter from Paul Adams concerning the Wetlands Study.  This letter included comments of praise to VHB for their effort on the study.  The letter addressed that there is available delineation data available of a property that was not granted access upon.  Mr. Adams would like to see this information included within the study.  Due to the lateness of this letter and the lack of access to the property this letter will be taken under advisement by the Commission.

Other Business
A motion was made by Ms. Marshall and seconded by Mr. Jones to expend funds of $802.89 from the Conservation account to pay for the past due and current taxes and interest upon the Whittemore parcel.  Motion passes.

Mr. Pike followed up with information relating to the poison-ivy at the trail head to Marsh Pond.  It seems the best safe and economical method for removal was use of Round-Up.  Mr. Pike shall make this purchase and begin treatment as soon as possible.  

Discussion was had about recruitment. A potential candidate of Doug Miner was noted.  Inquiries to his interest will be made.

The next meeting of the Commission will be on August 11, 2008.  Being no further discussion a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:55pm was made by Mr. Jones and seconded by Ms. Marshall.  Motion Passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie Pike, Secretary

Jeff Andrews, Vice Chairman